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Alexis Scaife, Single MomEase

Selfishness vs. Self-Preservation

This topic of selfishness vs. self-preservation is one that is relevant for all my fellow moms who might have high demands placed on them either in the home or outside of the home. We are told to take care of ourselves all the time, but I know that I personally find that to be inherently difficult given the other demands which are placed upon me. And although I've had to make it a priority for the sake of my children and for me, it continues to be a challenge. I am also learning and realizing that I need to minimize or eliminate others' ability to penetrate my self-preservation with the effects of their selfish motives.

Stress is linked to many physical and mental illnesses. Therefore, some level of selfishness is needed to maintain self-preservation. Adopting a lifestyle of self-preservation may protect you from participating in the most ultimate selfish act, a premature death. If you don’t take care of yourself, no one will take the time to do it for you. There will always be people around who need you for something because you are a unique and valuable person, so, take care of you. They know you’re needed, so it’s time that you realize it; you need you too! Sometimes selfishness is a word that people use to guilt a caring person into doing what they want (stay alert!), so we need to be clear on some differences. Here are some clues you are dealing with a selfish person or situation: they only think of themselves ~ are only interested if there is a gain that benefits them directly ~ shows no interest in the damage or burden that their choices have on others and are only concerned about how it affects them. The list of selfish characteristics is long, but the objective is to be okay with taking care of you because people may not be able to handle the shift.

Moms, please think twice about what could ultimately happen when we don't take care of ourselves. Don't deprive yourself of the essential care you require to be your best self.

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